Wells Performance Materials is delighted to be exhibiting at the AMI Compounding World Expo in Brussels, between the 11th and 12th of September 2024, Stand Number C728.
The exhibition will allow Wells to showcase its offering to the European Marketplace, in particular its expertise in the bespoke compounding of functional additives into a wide range of materials from polyolefins through to biopolymers. In addition, Wells manufactures an extensive range of additive masterbatches to the polymer processing industry such from Antimicrobials, PFAS free processing aids through to UV stabilisers.
Wells will also be promoting its contract manufacturing services, supported by a recently opened Innovation Centre, a highly flexible manufacturing facility and extensive raw material handling capabilities.
In addition, Dr Gary Ogden, Technical Manager has been invited once again to sit on the masterbatch expert panel in the Compounding World Expo Theatre on Wednesday 11th of September between 15:15 and 16:00 ‘Discussing successful strategies for masterbatch makers’. This will most likely prove to be a very interesting discussion tackling a range of issues and challenges which impact the masterbatch and wider polymer industry in 2024 and beyond.
Wells continues to improve on the Gold EcoVadis rating, which it has been awarded for the second year running. EcoVadis is the leading global sustainability ratings provider and looks in depth at the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) of companies, and is recognised as a strategic partner for those companies where sustainability is a critical aspect for their brand and business.
Brussels Expo, Pl. de Belgique 1, 1020 , Brussels, Belgium AMI Plastics World Expo 2024