Wells Performance Materials would like to advise you that the manufacturing facilities and office will be closed from the 23rd of December 2024 until the 3rd of January 2025 for the Festive Season.
If any material deliveries are required around this time, please also note that the last day to despatch goods for UK pre-Christmas delivery would be Wednesday the 18th of December, and this would be for delivery by Friday the 20th of December.
For any orders required in early January 2025 please note that if they have not been requested by the 13th of December then the next available despatch date would be in the New Year with the earliest UK delivery date being Tuesday the 7th of January 2024.
For international orders please note that the Seasonal Holidays have a significant impact in shipping collections and deliveries, please speak directly with your account manager for further information.
We have taken the time to anticipate your requirements, however we strongly encourage you to check your stocks and ensure that you have adequate additive masterbatch reserves and order coverage to work around this period.
To ensure that we can schedule all orders and deliveries with minimal disruption, we are happy to accept any new orders or delivery requests to cover requirements leading through to the end of January 2025.
Wells PM would like to thank all of its customers for their valued business during 2024 and wish every one a safe, happy and prosperous 2025.